
For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

- Matthew 6:21

Why we give.

God is generous and he calls us to be as well.  What we do with what God has given us shows us and the world where our hearts are at and helps proclaim the gospel. We want to glorify God with every area of our lives, and that includes what we do with our finances.

Ways To Give

Give Online

Use the form on the right or below to easily give online (if you can't see the box, you can also click here to open it in a new window or tab).  If you want to target your gift for a specific ministry or purpose, or multiple, you can select that as well.  If you prefer using CashApp, we are $ANOINTEDCHURCH777

Give In Person

As is traditional we do pass around an offering plate at each meeting, so you are welcome to give cash or checks that way.  We really hope to see you at a meeting, regardless of how or even if you give!

Mail A Check

Checks can also be mailed to our 1019 East Broad St. address at the bottom of the web page.

What types of giving is there?


The Bible describes tithing as a way of giving to God your first and your best, in recognition that everything you have came from and ultimately belongs to Him, not to you.  As such, you are happy to give one tenth (10%) of everything you receive (from your job, gifts, etc.) back to God.  Typically this is through giving to the church you are a member of, or that you attend most faithfully, though it could be other places or ministries to which God leads you to give for His glory.


While Tithing can be considered a "minimum" to give, just to acknowledge that God is the source of all that you have, an Offering goes above and beyond and is more of an expression of joy and thanksgiving and can be whatever you want it to be.  It can be a fixed amount of your choice every week or month, or vary based on whatever criteria you choose.  And choice is important, because God loves a cheerful giver and an offering should be because you want to give it, not because it's expected of you by anyone.

Time and Talents

While money is important to a church and to God's ministries, it's not the only thing you can give.  Consider giving of your time and the talents and abilities God gave you.  We welcome volunteers and look forward to discovering with you what your gifts and talents are that God can use within our church and outside it.

Talk to us about how you can help, or let us know your interest using the form below!

Reaping and Sowing

A key principle from Jesus' teaching is the concept of reaping what you sow.  In other words, with the same attitude you give, that's the same attitude God will give in return.  As you give cheerfully and fully of yourself to God, He will give back.  And He won't just give back a little, but He'll give back in abundance, by the same measure you gave but greatly multiplying His return.  Note that God's blessing will be in His time and His way so don't be surprised to see blessings from anywhere and in any form, but what you can count on is God blessing you far and above what you were able to give, when you are giving in full praise to God.

Have questions, WANT TO TALK, or need help?

We'd love to hear from you. Fill out the form below to get started.